Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Excise Invoice Error - checklist

Check the following Setups:
1. The Item shipped has Item class setup at Organization Items level
2. The Item Class should exist and should not be 'OTIN' or 'OTEX"
3. The Item shipped has Item as Excisable at Organization Items level
4. Check if the table JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS has been populated for this item
5. The Order Type used is attached to Bond Register
6. The Financial Year is setup in Localization for the Organization.
7. The Organization is either a Master Org or has been attached to a Master Org.
8. The EC Code for the Organization is not null & a distinct code is entered.
9. The shipment has been made from a bonded Sub inventory.

Check the following Transaction Data:
1. The Order shipped has Excise Type of tax attached to it.
2. Inventory Interface has completed normally
3. The Payment registers have sufficient balance to clear the transaction
4. 'India - Excise Invoice Generation' Program has been run for the transaction &
completed without error.
5. Running the query 'select * from JAI_OM_OE_GEN_TAXINV_T where Delivery_id
= &Delivery_id;' Shows no rows selected
6. If the above query shows rows, rerun the India - Excise Invoice Generation program
givingdelivery_id in the parameter & check the log file.

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