Showing posts with label Oracel EBS Finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracel EBS Finance. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cross-validation Rule in Oracle

Defining Cross-validation Rule
Limitation of Cross Validation Rule

Your flexfield checks cross-validation rules while attempting to create a new combination of flexfield values (for example, a new Accounting Flexfield combination). Your cross-validation rules have no effect on flexfield combinations that already exist. If you want to disable an existing combination, you must disable that combination specifically using the appropriate window.

For example, you can disable an existing Accounting Flexfield combination using the Define Accounting Flexfield Combinations window.

Using Include and Exclude Ranges

Consider the following basics of cross-validation rules:
    • Combinations must pass all cross-validation rules.
    • Within each rule, combinations must be in at least one include range.
    • Within each rule, combinations cannot be in any exclude ranges.
In summary, a key flexfield value must fall within at least one include range and outside all exclude ranges to pass your validation rule.
Your user can enter any segment value combinations that fall in the following range.
Your user cannot enter any segment value combinations that fall in the following range.

Oracle Applications provides many key flexfields, such as the Accounting Flexfield, Location Flexfield and System Items Flexfield. In this essay, we use the Accounting Flexfield to present suggestions for designing your cross-validation rules, but you can use cross-validation rules for any key flexfield structure that has cross-validation enabled.

Determine Your Error Messages

For example, if you use the Accounting Flexfield, an incorrect combination can result from the user entering an incorrect department or an incorrect account. Maybe you intended to enter 100-4500 instead of 000-4500. Or, maybe you intended to enter 000-3500.
If you expect that most of the time the department will be wrong, define an error message such as, "Enter departments other than 000 with revenue accounts." If you expect that either segment is just as likely to be incorrect, define an error message that does not imply a particular segment is in error.
For example, "You have entered an incompatible department/account combination. Please re-enter."

Determine Your Error Segment

For example, if your account segment is most likely to be in error, define your error message to be, "Please enter only balance sheet accounts with department 000," and specify the cursor to return to the account segment.

Define Simple Rules

Avoid rules that control cross-validation across more than two segments, where possible.
For example, if you use the Accounting Flexfield, you may want to prevent using department 000 with accounts greater than 3999 for all balancing segment values except 99.

While you can define cross-validation rules that span two or more segments, keep in mind that it becomes more difficult to interpret cross-validation error messages and correct invalid key flexfield combinations as your rules encompass more segments.  

Difference between Cross Validation Rule and Security Rules

Security rule is applied at a responsibility/User level whereas Cross validation rule is applicable for the given accounting combination. Secondly, Cross Validation rules applicable on the whole combination whereas security rule works on a single segment.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What is the difference between spot, corporate, user, and fixed rate types?

Using Rate Types: Examples

There are four seeded conversion rate types in Oracle Fusion applications:
  • Spot
  • Corporate
  • User
  • Fixed
 Spot, corporate, user, and fixed conversion rate types differ based on the fluctuations of your entered foreign currency and your company procedures for maintaining daily rates.

Rate Type Usage
Spot For currencies with fluctuating conversion rates or when exact currency conversion is needed.
Corporate For establishment of a standard rate across your organization for a stable currency.
User For infrequent entries where your daily rates for the entered foreign currency are not set up.
Fixed For rates where the conversion is constant between two currencies.

If you have infrequent foreign currency transactions, the user rate type can simplify your currency maintenance while providing an accurate conversion rate on the date of the transaction.


You are the general ledger accountant for In Fusion America Inc. You are entering a journal entry to capture three transactions that were transacted in three different foreign currencies:
  • Canadian dollar (CAD): A very stable currency
  • Mexican Peso (MXP): A fluctuating currency
  • Hong Kong dollar (HKD): An infrequently used currency
You enter two lines with accounts and amounts for each foreign currency transaction. Based on your company procedures, you select the appropriate rate type to populate the rate for Corporate and Spot rate types from your daily rates table. You manually enter the current rate for the User rate type.

Currency Selected Rate Type Selected Reason
CAD Corporate Entered a periodic type of transaction. Your company has established a daily rate to use for the entire month across divisions for all transactions in CAD. CAD is a stable currency that only fluctuations slightly over the month.
MXP Spot Entered a periodic type of transaction. Your company enters daily rates each day for MXP because this currency is unstable and fluctuates.
HKD User Entered a one time transaction. Your company does not maintain daily rates in HKD.

Your company does not currently use the Fixed rate type. From January 1, 1999, the conversion rate of the French franc (FRF) against the euro currency (EUR) was set at a fixed rate of 1 EUR to 6.55957 FRF. Your French operations were started in 2007, so you maintain all your French business records in the EUR.