Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Global Blanket Purchase Agreement in Oracle

How to create a Global Purchase Agreement that can then be accessed by other Organizations/ Operating Units also?

From Procurement Family Pack 'I', while creating a Blanket Agreement, Global checkbox at the header level can be checked to make the agreement global. This checkbox cannot be deselected once you have saved the document. The BPA can be enabled only for those organizations for which the supplier and the supplier site are defined to be the same as that of the global agreement. Note that you cannot enter an outside processing item in a global agreement, regardless of the item’s defining organization.

Navigation Steps:

The Checkbox for making the Agreement Global comes at the header level for all the Blanket agreements. This has to be checked before we proceed onto the line level details, as one is not allowed to come back and update this checkbox at a later point in time once the line level details have been provided.

To enable the agreement for other organizations:

1. Create the Global agreement
2. Save the agreement
3. Go to Tools ----> Enable Organizations
4. Check the checkbox for all the organizations for which you want this Global Agreement Enabled. The Purchasing responsibility you are in will come as a default organization and cannot be deselected, but the other organizations for which the supplier and supplier site are defined will be allowed to be selected and deselected optionally, by the buyer.
5. Save again
6. Follow the Approval Process for getting this Global agreement approved.

Once this done and the BPA is approved, you can issue a standard purchase order against this global purchase agreement to place the actual order.

How to create a standard Purchase order referencing a Global Purchase Agreement and what is the relevance of the GLOBAL checkbox that we see at the PO Line Level?

You can only create a Standard Purchase Orders against a Global Purchase Agreement and not normal Blanket Releases. To have a Standard Purchase Order that references to the Global Purchase Agreement, it has to be done in the lines section of the Standard PO documents tab :

Navigation Details :

1. Create a Global Purchase Agreement - BPA with the Global check box checked and enabled for other organizations. 
2. Purchasing: Purchase Orders 
3. Fill the headers section for a Standard PO with the same Supplier and Supplier Site as the global agreement
4. Go to the lines block. Enter the item details and click on the 'Catalog' button
5. In the 'Supplier Item Catalog' window, press find. You will find many source documents in the screen. Choose the Global Purchase Agreement (BPA) which you had created earlier
6. Now when you go to the reference documents tab you would find the Global check box checked and also the global source document details therein.

This standard PO line will now be sourced against the Global agreement that is referenced at the line level. 

Another option is to reference the global agreement in the Requisition itself and then autocreate it into a Standard Purchase Order.

How to find Global Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) Source Documents from their Releases - Standard Purchase Orders (SPO:s) or Vice Versa?

Source Document: Global BPA: 5453
Resulting Document ( Releases): SPO 5458 AutoCreated from Purchase Requisition (PR): 13988

1. To find Global BPAs from their SPOs
PO Form
PO responsibility -> Purchase Orders -> Purchase Order Summary ->
Number = 5458 -> Find -> Reference Document section:
Type = Blanket Purchase Agreement, Document = 5453

Req form
PO responsibility -> Requisitions -> Requisition Summary ->
Requisition Number = 13988 -> Find -> Source Details section:
Document Type=Blanket Purchase Agreement, Document = 5453

2. To find the SPOs from Global BPAs.
PO Form
PO responsibility -> Purchase Orders -> Purchase Order Summary ->
Number = 5453 -> Find -> Reference Document section:
The Fields are protected ( greyed out).
It is a standard functionality. It is for the parent document as shown in step above.
PO Summary Form
PO responsibility -> Purchase Orders -> Purchase Order Summary -> Related Document tab -> Source Document section:
Type = Global Agreement, Number = 5453, Line = 1 or leave null
( All these 3 fields -- enter or choose from LOV)
Find button -> PO 5458 returns
Blanket and Planned PO Status Report

Output of this report shows the Global BPAs and their St PO under a €˜PO/Release €™ column.

PO responsibility -> Reports -> Run: €˜Blanket and Planned PO Status Report€™
With appropriate parameters:
 ( PO #s From: 5433, To:5478  Enter or choose PO#s in the ranges or 5453)

                      Blanket and Planned PO Status Report

PO Number: 5453                                                                                    Amount Agreed: 10,000.00
  Type: Blanket Purchase Agreement (Global)                                               Amount Limit: 10,000.00
                                                                                                            Amount Remaining: 9,980.00
                                                                                                              Amount Released: 20.00

( Comment: This report also shows non-Global BPAs.)