Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Delivery Status

Shipping Execution  Delivery Status:-

  1. CL - Closed - Delivery has arrived at the destination
  2. CO - Confirmed - Delivery is confirmed for shipment, but Inventory and Order Entry have not been updated. It may be re-opened
  3. IT - In-Transit - Delivery has left on the trip and Inventory and Order Entry have been updated
  4. OP - Open - Delivery is Open, has not been shipped
  5.  PA - Packed - Delivery is packed, ready for shipment
  6. SA - Shipment Advice Received - Shipment Advice has been received
  7. SC - Shipment Cancellation Request - Shipment Cancellation request has been sent
  8. SR - Shipment Requested - Shipment Request has been sent
 Shipping Execution Exception Status:-

  1. CLOSED - Exception handling is completed successfully, terminal status
  2. ERROR -  Exception handling fails
  3. IN_PROCESS - The workflow process has been started for this exception
  4. LOGGED - This exception is logged with appropriate exception name or user assigns appropriate exception name to an OPEN exception
  5. MANUAL - This exception is to be processed manually
  6. NOT_HANDLED - It is preferable not to handle this exception or this exception could not be handled, terminal status
  7. NO_ACTION_REQUIRED - No need to handle this exception, terminal status
  8. OPEN - Initial status, not associated with an exception name
Shipping Execution Pick Status :-

  1. N - Not Ready to Release - Line is not ready to be released
  2. D - Cancelled - Line is Cancelled
  3. L - Closed - Line has been Received
  4. P - Purged - Line has been purged from source system
  5. S - Released to Warehouse - Line has been released to Inventory for processing
  6. I - Interfaced - Line has been shipped and interfaced to Order Management and Inventory
  7. Y - Staged/Pick Confirmed - Line has been picked and staged by Inventory
  8. B - Backordered - Line failed to be allocated in Inventory
  9. F - Replenishment Completed - Line has been replenishment completed
  10. K - Planned for Crossdocking - Line has been Planned for X-dock
  11. X - Not Applicable - Line is not applicable for Pick Release
  12. C - Shipped - Line has been shipped
  13. E - Replenishment Requested - Line has been replenishment requested
  14. R - Ready to Release - Line is ready to be released
Shipping Execution Trip Status:-

  1. CL - Closed - Trip has completed
  2. IT - In-Transit - Trip is in-transit and has begun
  3. OP - Open - Trip is Open and has not begun
Shipping Execution Delivery Line Status for Process Deliveries:-
  1. ALL - All - All
  2. B - Backordered
  3. K - Planned for Crossdocking
  4. R - Ready to Release
  5. S - Released to Warehouse
  6. X - Not Applicable
  7. Y - Staged