Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Error: The action can not be performed because the selected records are not eligible.".

"Error: The action can not be performed because the selected records are not eligible.".


There are several ways to resolve this, depending on how you want the order to progress:
A. If you want to ship the delivery lines , do the following:
1. Query the Order in Shipping Transaction form
2. Navigate to Delivery tab. From the Actions button, choose Reopen Delivery>Go. Re-query order to confirm Delivery status is now "Open".
3. From the Actions button again, choose Unassign Trip>Go
4. Re-query order to confirm the Trip has been removed, then from the Actions button again, choose Confirm Order>Go
5. Enter required information (such as Ship Method, quantity, Inventory Control)
6. Confirm the Order as usual.

B. If you want to cancel the order or order line, the delivery must be closed to do this, so do the following:
1. Query the Order in Shipping Transaction form
2. Navigate to Delivery tab. From the Actions button, choose Reopen Delivery>Go. Re-query order to confirm Delivery status is now "Open".
3. From the Actions button again, choose Unassign Trip>Go
4. Once the Trip is removed, navigate to Delivery Line tab and remove the Shipped Quantity.
5. Once the Shipped Quantity field is null, go back to Delivery tab>then Actions button, choose Confirm Order>Go
6. Choose the Backorder All.
7. Once the delivery is closed and delivery lines are in backordered status, then navigate to Sales Order and cancel as needed.

C. To close a stop manually please follow steps below: To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:: You will need to manually close the stops

1. On the test instance, please click on the Path by Stop tab and manually close all of
the sequences:
Query order on Shipping Transaction form > Path by Stop tab > Actions > Update
Stop Status >Close
Also be sure to check the 'Defer Interface' checkbox on the form.

2. Then submit the Interface Trip Stop - SRS program

3. The line should now progress to 'Interfaced'.