Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oracle Purchasing Document Style and PO Output Communication

Defining Document Styles

Use the Document Styles window to create and update purchase order styles.
Purchase order document styles allow organizations to control the look and feel of the application to match the usage of the purchasing document.
Through reusable document styles, organizations can turn on or off various Oracle Purchasing features, thereby simplifying the user interface.
In addition, document styles provide the ability to define purchasing document names that align more closely with the naming conventions of your organization's business.
When a purchasing document is created using a document style, disabled features are hidden.
For example, you can create a document style for a specific commodity, such as temporary labor.
This document style optimizes field labels and presentation for that commodity, thereby simplifying purchase order entry.

Document styles only apply to authoring documents in the Buyer Work Center.
Document styles are not organization specific.

To define document styles:

1. Navigate to the Document Styles window.
2. If you are defining a new document style click Create. To enter changes to an existing style use the Search region to enter the Name, Description, or the Status. Once you have completed one or all of these fields click Go. Enter your changes by clicking the Update icon for your document style.

Note: Once a style has been saved, you can only update the style to be less restrictive.

3. Enter the Name and Description of the document style. The style name must be unique.
4. Select the Status as Active for a new style or Inactive for a style you no longer want used.
5. You must enter a unique Display Name for the Standard Purchase Order. This is the name that appears in the Buyer Work Center.
6. If you are defining a style that applies to contract purchase agreements or blanket purchase agreements, check their boxes and enter a unique Display Name.
7. If Services Procurement is implemented, check the Purchase Bases that apply to this document style. See: Defining Purchase Basis, .
8. Select whether specific or all Line Types are enabled for this document style. See: Line Types in Purchasing Documents, .
9. If you are defining a style that includes blanket purchase agreements, enable price breaks using the Price Breaks checkbox.
10. If Services Procurement is implemented and you have enabled a Temp Labor basis, use the checkbox to enable Price Differentials.
11. If Services Procurement is implemented, enable the Complex Payments attributes that apply:
Check Advances if advance payments are to be allowed.
Check Retainage if withholding of a portion of the payment until all work under a contract is accepted is to be allowed.
Check Progress Payments to enable partial payments during performance of the contract. If Progress Payments is enabled, at least one pay item must be selected.
Milestone - Enable for payments based on progress events. Enabled by default for Goods line type.
Rate - Enable when payment amount is pro-rated based on the percentage of work completed.
Lump Sum - Enable when payment amount is a fixed amount based on the percentage of work completed.
Enable Treat Progress Payments as Contract Financing if it applies to this style's progress payments.

12. Click Apply.

Purchase Order Communication Setup Steps

This section discusses the setup steps which define your supplier's preferred communication method. Oracle Purchasing supports the following methods of communicating purchase orders:

Facsimile (fax)
Electronic mail (e-mail)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Important: It is important to note that enabling PDF output (described below) activates the Communicate selection in the Tools menu of the Purchase Order Summary window.