Monday, July 23, 2012

Inventory Pending Transaction to View and Resubmit

Inventory Pending Transaction

When you resolving and working with Pending Transactions users must collect and identify data in order to address the source product and complete the Period Close process.

Hence the key steps for resolving pending transactions are:

>>> Locate the transactions
>>> Find the error message to determine what is preventing the transactions from processing.
>>> Resolve the error
>>> Resubmit the pending record.

Nav: Inv → Transaction → Pending Transaction
Perform to resubmit all Pending Transaction through find form enter the proper value and (B) Find → view the pending Transactions summary details below screen
Resubmit the all pending transaction from → Tools → Submit all
Perform to resubmit a single line pending transaction choose the line and resubmit for that particular pending transaction line only.

Users can see the number of pending transactions by navigating to the Inventory Accounting Periods Form.
Nav: Inv → Accounting Close Cycle → Inventory Accounting Periods
Place cursor on the appropriate open accounting period and click on the [Pending] Button. There are three zones titled “Resolution Required” ,“Resolution Recommended” and “Unprocessed Shipping Transactions”.

Resolution Required:
  1. Unprocessed material - This Transaction is exist for this period

    >>> This message indicates you have unprocessed material transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table. You are unable to close the period with this condition.

    >>> Inventory considers entries in this table as part of the quantity movement.
    >>> Closing the period in this situation is not allowed because the resultant accounting entries would have a transaction date for a closed period.
  2. Uncosted material - This Transaction is exist for this period

    >>> This message indicates you have material transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table with no accounting entries (Standard Costing) and no accounting entries and no costs (Average Costing).

    >>> These transactions are part of your inventory value.
    >>> Closing the period in this situation is not allowed because the resultant accounting entries would have a transaction date for a closed period.
  3. Pending WIP costing - This Transaction is exist in this period

    >>> This message indicates you have unprocessed resource and overhead accounting transactions in the WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE table. You are unable to close the period with this condition.

    >>> These transactions are in your work in process value, and awaiting further processing.
    >>> Closing the period in this situation is not allowed because the resultant accounting entries would have a transaction date for a closed period.
Unprocessed Shipping Transaction:
  1. Pending Transactions - This Transaction is exist for this period

    >>> “Pending Transactions” in the Unprocessed Shipping Transactions zone indicate there are transactions in the WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS table in a status of shipped.
    >>> Closing the period in this situation is not allowed because the resultant accounting entries would have a transaction date for a closed period.
Resolution Recommended:
  1. Pending receiving - When you use Purchasing,
    >>> This message indicates you have unprocessed purchasing transactions in the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_ INTERFACE table. These transactions include purchase order receipts and returns for inventory. If this condition exists, you will receive a warning but will be able to close the accounting period.
    >> These transactions are not in your receiving value. However, after you close the period, these transactions cannot be processed because they have a transaction date for a closed period.
  2. Pending material - This message indicates you have unprocessed material transactions in the MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table.
    >>> If this condition exists, you will receive a warning but will be able to close the accounting period.
    >>> These transactions are not in your inventory value. However, after you close the period, these transactions cannot be processed because they have a transaction date for a closed period.
  3. Pending move (Shop Floor) - This message indicates you have unprocessed shop floor move transactions in the WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE table.
    >>> If this condition exists, you will receive a warning but will be able to close the accounting period.
    >>> These transactions are not in your work in process value. However, after you close the period, these transactions cannot be processed because they have a transaction date for a closed period.